ICC Council Elections Q&A

Join us to meet the ICC Council candidates! Attendance is encouraged because you will be voting on who will run the club. You will also be able to ask questions.
Come meet the candidates on Sunday, August 8th, from 7 PM to 8PM PDT.
Here is the recording of the council QnA: Topic: Inspire Coding Club Start Time : Aug 8, 2021 07:10 PM
Meeting Recording: https://csulb.zoom.us/rec/share/WBKC2qJQc5jeLYF8Vv0vTRBWb3QtrlhYXVH5bzOYHKLr2om02R8kGKsXjpxvdiVt.YRNH5pDpgxQxUtrT
Access Passcode: C7Aq+kZ2